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Complementació verbal:
Ordenats pel tipus de complementació


to infinitive
simple infinitive
compl. obj. + to infinitive
for + compl. obj. + to infinitive
compl. obj. + gerundi
compl. obj. + simple infinitive
interrogatiu + to infinitive
compl. obj. + interrogatiu + to infinitive
that/what + subordinada
that + subordinada
what + subordinada
interrogatiu + subordinada
compl. obj. + interrogatiu + subordinada
that + subordinada subjuntiva


affordpermetre's, tenir recursos econòmics
We can't afford to buy a new car now.
No ens podem permetre comprar ara un cotxe nou.
agreeacordar, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord
  1. At last she agreed to do it.
    Per fi ella va estar d'acord a fer-ho.
  2. We agreed to be the ones responsible.
    Vam estar d'acord de ser els responsables.
allowpermetre, admetre
Are you allowed to leave the grounds?
Us és permès anar-vos-en del recinte?
arrange acordar, convenir
They arranged to have their meetings every Thursday evening.
Han convingut de fer les reunions cada dijous al vespre.
askdemanar, convidar, preguntar
We asked to speak to the owner.
Vam demanar de parlar amb el propietari.
begdemanar ardentment, suplicar
They begged to come with us.
Van demanar ardentment venir amb nosaltres.
begin began beguncomençar
I began to get suspicious when they never returned my calls.
Vaig començar a malfiar-me'n quan no em tornaven mai les trucades.
botherprendre's la molèstia
They never bothered to let us know.
Mai no es van prendre la molèstia de fer-nos-ho saber.
claimasseverar, sostenir, pretendre
  1. The detectives claim to have solved the case.
    Els detectius asseveren haver solucionat el cas.
  2. He claims to know how to commit the perfect crime.
    Pretén saber cometre el crim perfecte.
When Jews left Spain and Portugal they continued to speak Ladino.
Quan els jueus se'n van anar d'Espanya i de Portugal van continuar parlant ladino.
dareatrevir, gosar, desafiar
Would you dare to go naked on the beach?
Et gosaries a anar despullat a la platja?
We've decided to close down the shop.
Hem decidit tancar permanentment la botiga.
  1. He deserves to be on the starting team.
    Mereix ser a l'onze inicial.
  2. We deserve to know the truth.
    Mereixem saber la veritat.
dreadtenir por de, tenir pànic a, horroritzar-se
I dread to think what might have happened.
M'horroritzo de pensar en el que podia haver passat.
expectesperar, suposar, exigir
  1. He didn't expect to see me so soon.
    No esperava veure'm tan aviat (no pensava que era probable).
  2. I expect to have this done by Thursday.
    Espero tenir això acabat per dijous (hi confio).
forbid forbade forbiddenprohibir
He was forbidden to have his meals with the others.
Li era prohibit menjar (fer els àpats) amb els altres.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
  1. I forgot to tell you that Rosa called.
    M'he oblidat de dir-te que ha trucat la Rosa.
  2. Don't forget to lock the door.
    No t'oblidis de tancar amb clau la porta.
guaranteegarantir, assegurar
  1. We guarantee to make any necessary repairs at no cost during the first two years.
    Garantim que farem durant els primers dos anys de franc, qualsevol reparació necessària.
  2. Just looking at a picture of the sea is guaranteed to make me feel sick.
    Només una mirada a una foto del mar garanteix que em posi malalt.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
  1. I'd hate to lose control of the situation.
    No m'agradaria gens perdre el control de la situació.
  2. I hate to tell you, but you have no choice.
    Em sap greu dir-t'ho, però no tens opcions.
These drugs should help to calm you down.
Aquests medicaments haurien d'ajudar a calmar-te.
hesitatedubtar (vacil⋅lar)
  1. I hesitated to put my questions into words.
    Dubtava a expressar amb paraules les meves preguntes.
  2. She hesitated to pick up the phone.
    Dubtava a despenjar l'auricular.
  1. I hope to visit Ireland this year.
    Aquest any espero visitar Irlanda.
  2. We hope to get there before six.
    Esperem arribar-hi abans de les sis.
intendtenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se, voler
We had intended to stop by to say hello, but we didn't have time.
Havíem pensat de passar i fer-vos una visita, però no teníem temps.
  1. Learning to throw a boomerang takes time and patience.
    Falta temps i paciència per a aprendre a tirar un bumerang.
  2. They soon learned not to trust their neighbors.
    Aviat van aprendre a no fiar-se dels veïns.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
  1. I don't like to talk with people who always agree with me.
    No m'agrada parlar amb la gent que sempre està d'acord amb mi.
  2. Do you like to ski?
    T'agrada esquiar?
longdelir-se, tenir moltes ganes
I long to be with you again.
Em deleixo de tornar a estar amb tu.
I love to eat cherries.
M'encanto de menjar cireres.
manageaconseguir, arribar a
  1. We finally managed to find a place to park.
    Per fi vam arribar a trobar un lloc per a aparcar.
  2. How do you manage to get their attention?
    Com aconsegueixes que et facin cas?
mean meant meant1 voler dir, significar 2 tenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
  1. We meant to leave on Thursday but have had to change our plans.
    Pensàvem marxar dijous però hem hagut de canviar els plans.
  2. I mean to marry that woman!
    Tinc la intenció de casar-me amb aquella dona!
We need to know what we can expect from you.
Necessitem saber què podem esperar de tu.
neglectdescuidar-se, oblidar-se
  1. He neglected to tell us about the risks.
    Es va descuidar d'informar-nos dels riscos.
  2. Don't neglect to sign the petition!
    No t'oblidis de signar la petició!
  1. She offered to drive us there.
    Es va oferir per acompanyar-nos-hi (amb cotxe).
  2. I don't think they've offered to help you, have they?
    Em sembla que no s'han ofert a ajudar-te, oi?
They were permitted to leave.
Els van permetre de marxar.
plantenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
We plan to leave tomorrow night.
Pensem marxar demà a la nit.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
He prefers to sleep outdoors.
S'estima més dormir a fora.
pretendfer veure
  1. They only pretended to like him.
    Només feia veure que els agradava.
  2. I pretended not to notice.
    Feia veure que no me n'adonava.
  1. You've promised to love, honor and cherish your wife.
    Has promès estimar, honorar i apreciar profundament la teva dona.
  2. I promise to tell you the moment I know anything new.
    Et prometo que t'ho diré de seguida que sàpiga res de nou.
  1. He refused to (even) discuss the matter.
    Es negava a (ni tan sols) parlar de l'afer.
  2. I refuse to get involved in it.
    Em nego a ficar-m'hi.
  1. Remember to turn out the lights.
    Recorda't de tancar els llums.
  2. They didn't remember to ask him where he'd been.
    No es recordaven de demanar-li on havia estat.
They were requested to assist the police.
Van demanar que ajudessin la policia.
The butler requested her to accompany him.
El majordomo li va demanar que l'acompanyés.
We were required to do everything without using the mouse.
Van exigir que ho féssim tot sense fer servir el ratolí.
Students are required to attend classes.
S'exigeix al alumnes que assisteixin a les classes.
We seem to have come to a dead end.
Sembla que hem arribat a un punt mort.
It started to rain.
Va començar a ploure.
When we saw the mama bear coming, we started to run.
Quan vam veure venir l'óssa mare, vam arrencar a córrer.
It was suggested to do further research before publishing anything.
Se suggeria fer més recerca abans de publicar res.
I was tempted to give it up as a bad job.
Estava temptat d'abandonar-ho com a inútil.
think thought thoughtpensar
Sorry, I didn't think to tell you anything about it.
Em sap greu, no pensava dir-te'n res.
We were trying to hide the dog under the bed when the door suddenly opened.
Intentàvem amagar el gos a sota el llit quan de repent s'obrí la porta.
wantvoler, caldre
  1. I want to tell you all I feel.
    Vull dir-te tot el que sento.
  2. She didn't want to tell them where she'd been.
    No volia dir-los on havia estat.



admitreconèixer, confessar
They admitted breaking the windowpane.
Van admetre que havien trencat el vidre de la finestra.
affordpermetre's, tenir recursos econòmics
We can no longer afford living in Sant Cugat.
Ja no ens podem permetre viure a Sant Cugat.
allowpermetre, admetre
They don't allow sleeping on the lawn.
No permeten que es dormi a la gespa.
  1. She avoids speaking to foreigners.
    Ella evita parlar amb els estrangers.
  2. I try to avoid going shopping on Saturdays.
    Intento evitar anar a comprar el dissabte.
begin began beguncomençar
They generally don't begin working until they've chatted awhile.
No solen començar a treballar fins que hagin xerrat una estona.
botherprendre's la molèstia
Here are some questions you've probably never bothered thinking (to think) about.
Vet aquí unes preguntes sobre les quals probablement no t'hagis pres mai la moléstia de pensar.
can't helpno poder evitar, no poder estar-se, no poder controlar
  1. Teenagers can't help doing what their friends do.
    Els adolescents no es poden estar de fer el que fan els seus amics.
  2. I can't help thinking there has to be a better solution.
    No em puc estar de pensar que ha d'haver-hi una solució millor.
can't standno suportar
  1. They can't stand being alone.
    No suporten estar sols.
  2. I can't stand traveling for longer than two weeks.
    No suporto viatjar durant més de dues setmanes.
considerpensar en
Have you ever considered running for mayor?
Has pensat mai a presentar-te com a candidat a l'alcaldia?
We didn't contemplate running tests with Windows in French.
No vam contemplar fer proves amb Windows en francès.
They continued driving even though it was raining so hard they could barely see.
Continuaven conduint tot i que plovia tant que amb prou feines s'hi veien.
delayendarrerir, retardar
  1. I always delayed going to see a dentist until there was actual pain.
    Sempre retardava anar a cal dentista fins que hi hagi dolor de debò.
  2. Hospital officials delayed informing the families of those affected.
    Els oficials de l'hospital van endarrerir d'informar les famílies dels afectats.
  1. Peter denied knowing Jesus three times.
    Pere negà (conèixer) Jesús tres vegades.
  2. He denies having ever had dealings with the victim.
    Nega haver tingut mai tractes amb la víctima.
discussparlar de, discutir (examinar en detall una qüestió)
We discussed having several levels of membership.
Parlàvem de tenir uns quants nivells de socis.
dreadtenir por, fer basarda
I dread having to meet his parents.
Tinc molta por d'haver de conèixer els seus pares.
end upacabar
We ended up staying home.
Vam acabar quedant-nos a casa.
enjoygaudir (de)
I enjoy going for walks.
Gaudeixo passejant.
She hasn't finished dressing yet.
Encara no ha acabat de vestir-se.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
  1. How could I ever forget meeting Frank Zappa?
    Com podria oblidar mai d'haver conegut Frank Zappa?
  2. She would never forget seeing the Himalayas for the first time.
    Mai no oblidaria d'haver vist per primera vegada l'Himàlaia.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
I hate driving in Barcelona.
No m'agrada gens conduir per Barcelona.
I can't imagine living in a big city.
No em puc imaginar viure en una ciutat gran.
intendtenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se, voler
A good business plan will tell the person reading it what the business intends doing.
Un bon pla d'empresa informarà a la persona que el llegeix què es proposa de fer l'empresa.
It's hard to justify spending so much money for something we'll only use once a year.
És difícil justificar gastar tants diners per una cosa que només farem servir un cop l'any.
keep kept keptcontinuar, fer continuar
  1. Keep trying; you're bound to get it right sooner or later.
    Continua provant-ho (No deixis de provar-ho); segurament que tard o d'hora te'n sortiràs.
  2. She kept telling me that I should have loved her.
    Ella continuava dient-me que jo hauria d'haver-la estimada.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
  1. Do you really like listening to this fellow?
    De debò t'agrada escoltar aquest home?
  2. I don't like driving at night.
    No m'agrada conduir de nit.
She loved skiing in the mountains.
A ella li encantava d'esquiar a la muntanya.
mean meant meant1 voler dir, significar 2 tenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
Accepting that job would mean having to get up before six a.m.
Acceptar aquella feina voldria dir haver de llevar-te abans de les sis del matí.
Do you mind waiting a bit?
T'importa esperar una mica?
misstrobar a faltar, enyorar
I miss walking through the snow.
Trobo a faltar caminar per la neu.
The house needs painting.
Cal pintar la casa / A la casa li falta una capa de pintura.
He wants to practice walking on his hands.
Vol assajar de caminar amb les mans.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
Do you prefer working alone or in groups?
T'estimes més treballar sol o en grup?
quit quit quitdeixar (parar)
I must quit smoking!
He de deixar de fumar!
Doctors recommend walking for half an hour every day.
Els metges recomanen caminar cada dia durant mitja hora.
I regret lending him my car.
Em penedeixo d'haver-li deixat el meu cotxe.
I don't remember meeting them.
No recordo d'haver-los conegut.
resistpoder estar-se, resistir
I couldn't resist taking a second helping.
No em podia estar de repetir (prendre una segona porció de menjar).
I can't risk losing the only woman who has ever really loved me.
No m'arrisco a perdre l'única dona que mai m'ha estimat de debò.
We started drinking vodka and making toasts; after that, I can't remember anything.
Vam començar a beure vodka i brindar; després d'això, no em recordo de res.
  1. They never stop talking.
    No paren mai de parlar.
  2. We should stop having sex until we get married.
    Hauríem de deixar de tenir relacions sexuals fins que ens casem.
I'd suggest leaving Bub with your parents.
Suggeria deixar el Bub amb els teus pares.
Have you tried putting an ad in the paper?
Ho heu intentat posant un anunci al diari?
wantvoler, caldre
The wine wants a little cooling.
Cal refrescar una mica el vi.



dareatrevir, gosar, desafiar
I didn't dare talk to my boss about it.
No m'atrevia a parlar-ne amb el cap.
Joan helped pull down the shutters.
En Joan va ajudar a abaixar la persiana.



adviseaconsellar, informar
The doctor advised him to live in a dry climate.
El metge li va aconsellar que visqués en un clima sec.
allowpermetre, admetre
I refuse to allow my children to see this film.
Em nego a permetre que els meus fills vegin aquesta pel⋅lícula.
askdemanar, convidar, preguntar
  1. We asked them to speak to the owner.
    Vam demanar que ells parlessin amb el propietari.
  2. The worried mother has asked us to help her.
    La mare, amoïnada, ens ha demanat que l'ajudessim.
Thailand authorizes its citizens to be able to connect to the Internet.
Tailàndia autoritza que els ciutadans puguin connectar-se a Internet.
begdemanar ardentment, suplicar
He begged her to stay with him.
La va suplicar perquè s'hi quedés amb ell.
causeprovocar, fer
  1. The fire caused them to flee the apartment because of poisonous smoke.
    El foc va provocar que haguéssin de fugir del pis a causa del fum verinós.
  2. The change you suggest would cause us to make other adjustments.
    El canvi que suggereixes ens faria fer altres modificacions.
dareatrevir, gosar, desafiar
I dare you to tell her the truth.
Et desafio a dir-li la veritat.
We've encouraged them to continue in a positive direction.
Els hem encoratjat a continuar en una direcció positiva.
expectesperar, suposar, exigir
  1. We expect you to help us.
    Esperem que ens ajudin (ho exigim).
  2. Borrowers are expected to return books on time.
    S'espera que els qui fan préstec dels llibres els retornin puntualment.
forbid forbade forbiddenprohibir
They forbade us to talk about it.
Van prohibir que en parléssim.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
I hate them to look over my shoulder.
No m'agrada gens que em mirin sobre l'espatlla.
Her years with Brad helped her to grow up and mature.
Els seus anys amb en Brad la van ajudar a fer-se dona i madurar.
intendtenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se, voler
He intended his words to have a deep significance.
Volia que les seves paraules tinguessin un significat profund.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
  1. I don't like my wife to work.
    No m'agrada que treballi la meva dona.
  2. He likes her to sing for him.
    A ell li agrada que ella li canti.
mean meant meant1 voler dir, significar 2 tenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
I don't know whether he meant me to see them or not.
No sé si ell tenia la intenció que jo els veiés o no.
I need you to help me.
Necessito que m'ajudis.
orderordenar (manar)
They ordered him to stop.
Li van ordenar que parés.
They permitted him to carry a gun.
Li van permetre de portar una arma de foc.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
We prefer him to get an eduction.
Ens estimem més que faci els estudis.
  1. I promised them to take them to the beach.
    Els vaig prometre que els portaria a la platja.
  2. He promised me to always be faithful.
    Em va prometre que sempre seria fidel.
remindrecordar, fer pensar
  1. Remind me to call Esther.
    Fes-me pensar a trucar a l'Esther.
  2. You'll have to remind him to speak slowly.
    Hauràs de recordar-li que parli a poc a poc.
The guides have requested us to keep together.
Els guies ens han demanat que ens quedem junts.
We require you to send us a written request.
Exigim que ens enviïs una sol⋅licitud en escrit.
teach taught taughtensenyar (instruir)
Who taught you to juggle?
Qui et va ensenyar de fer jocs malabars?
tell told tolddir, informar
They told me to leave the tools in the garage.
M'han dit que deixés les eines al garatge.
She tempted him to do what he'd never done before.
El va temptar a fer el que mai no havia fet.
urgeinstar, recomanar molt
I urge you to reconsider!
Insto que reflexionis!
wantvoler, caldre
  1. They want me to help them set up their computer.
    Volen que els ajudi a muntar el seu ordinador.
  2. I don't want the chocolate to melt.
    No vull que es fongui la xocolata.



affordpermetre's, tenir recursos econòmics
  Jordi's father could not afford for him to go to school until he was ten.
  El pare d'en Jordi no tenia els recursos econòmics perquè en Jordi anés a l'escola fins que va tenir deu anys.
agreeacordar, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord
  1. We agreed for them to use our song.
    Vam acordar que fessin servir la nostra cançó.
  2. They agreed for him to stop by from time to time.
    Van acordar que ell de tant en tant passés per allà.
arrange acordar, convenir
We've arranged for you to see the president.
Vam convenir que veiessis el president.
begdemanar ardentment, suplicar
We begged for him to give us proof.
El vam suplicar perquè ens donés proves.
can't standno suportar
I couldn't stand for them to think it was my fault.
No suportava que pensessin que jo tenia la culpa.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
  1. I hate for him to know what I do at night.
    No m'agrada gens que sàpiga què faig a la nit.
  2. I'd hate for you to think I wasn't grateful to you.
    No m'agradaria gens que pensessis que no t'ho vaig agrair.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
I like for you to be still.
M'agrada que estiguis quieta.
longdelir-se, tenir moltes ganes
She longed for him to marry her.
Ella tenia moltes ganes que ell es casés amb ella.
mean meant meant1 voler dir, significar 2 tenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
Now I realize that he meant for me to tell everybody.
Ara m'adono que es proposava que jo ho digués a tothom.
plantenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
Joan told his little sister that he had planned for them to run away from home.
En Joan va dir a la seva germaneta que s'havia proposat que s'escapessin de casa.
We'll pray for you to succeed.
Pregarem que tinguis èxit.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
I'd prefer for them to come later in the week.
Preferia que vinguessin pels caps de setmana.
The embassy has requested for him to be released.
L'ambaixada ha demanat que ell fos posat en llibertat.



can't helpno poder evitar, no poder estar-se, no poder controlar
I can't help him always bothering you.
No puc evitar que sempre t'empipi.
can't standno suportar
I couldn't stand them laughing at me.
No suportava que es riguessin de mi.
discussparlar de, discutir (examinar en detall una qüestió)
We discussed them helping us, but decided against it.
Parlàvem de la possibilitat que ens ajudessin, però vam decidir que no.
enjoygaudir (de)
I enjoy them singing us their songs.
Gaudeixo que ens cantin les seves cançons.
feel felt feltconsiderar, sentir
  1. I (can) feel a spider crawling up my leg.
    Sento que una aranya em puja per la cama.
  2. I could feel the sweat trickling down my back.
    Sentia que la suor s'escorria per l'esquena.
  3. I felt her pulling on my arm.
    La sentia tibant-me el braç.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
I'd forgotten him saying that.
M'havia oblidat que ell havia dit això.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
She hates my/me criticizing her parents.
A ella no li agrada gens que jo critiqui els seus pares.
hear heard heardsentir
  1. We heard them coming up the stairs.
    Els hem sentit que pujaven les escales.
  2. I heard/I could hear someone calling my name.
    Sentia algú que cridava el meu nom.
I can't imagine anyone saying this to his face!
No em puc imaginar que algú li digui això a la cara!
keep kept keptcontinuar, fer continuar
They kept us working well into the night.
Ens van fer continuar treballant fins a altes hores (de la nit).
likeestimar una mica, agradar
Her parents didn't like him coming around so often.
Els seus pares no els agradava que ell vingués tan sovint.
I don't mind him talking so much, I just wish he had something original to say.
No m'importa que parli tant, només desitjaria que tingués alguna cosa interessant a dir.
misstrobar a faltar, enyorar
I miss him singing in the shower.
Trobo a faltar que canti a la dutxa.
noticenotar, adonar-se, veure
When she noticed the deer grazing by the campsite, she ran for her camera.
Quan veié els cérvols pasturant al costat del càmping, va córrer a buscar la càmera.
I remember them coming into class the first day of school.
Els recordo com entraven a classe el primer dia del curs.
We didn't want to risk them finding out about it.
No ens volíem arriscar que ho esbrinessin.
see saw seenveure
I saw her dancing in the moonlight.
La vaig veure ballant a la llum de la lluna.
They started me working in the parts department.
Em van fer començar a treballar al magatzem de peces de recanvi.
wantvoler, caldre
I don't want the neighbors knowing everything we do!
No vull que els veïns sàpiguen tot el que fem!
watchmirar, vigilar
We watched them playing.
Els miràvem com jugaven.



feel felt feltconsiderar, sentir
  1. I felt her stir beside me.
    La sentia bellugar-se al meu costat.
  2. He felt the earth move under his feet.
    Sentia bellugar la terra a sota els peus.
guaranteegarantir, assegurar
We guarantee our tuxedos to fit, or they're free.
Garantim que els nostres esmòquings es posaran bé i, si no, seran gratis.
have had hadfer
  1. I'll have my secretary send you a copy tomorrow.
    Faré que el meu secretari t'enviï una còpia demà.
  2. They had me repeat my instructions out loud.
    Em van fer repetir les meves instruccions en veu alta.
hear heard heardsentir
We heard them come in.
Els vàrem sentir entrar.
We'll help you bring in the furniture from the garden.
T'ajudarem a entrar les cadires del jardí.
let let letdeixar (permetre)
  1. I don't let the little things get me down.
    No deixo que les coses poc importants em deprimeixin.
  2. They don't let their children watch violent programs onTV.
    No deixen que els seus fills mirin programes violents per la televisió.
make made madefer, obligar, forçar
  1. We'll make him tell the truth.
    Li farem dir (L'obligarem a dir) la veritat.
  2. You can't make a horse drink.
    No pots obligar un cavall a beure.
  3. They can't make me do what I don't want.
    No em forçar a fer el que no vull.
see saw seenveure
We saw them go in.
Els vam veure entrar.
watchmirar, vigilar
We were watching the women work.
Miràvem com treballaven les dones (lit. Mirvàvem treballar les dones).



agreeacordar, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord
We can't agree when to have the wedding.
No ens podem posar d'acord sobre quan farem el casament.
They can never decide what to do once they're there.
Mai no saben decidir què fer un cop allà.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
After ten years living in the same place, I forgot where to turn when going to work.
Després de deu anys vivint al mateix lloc, em vaig oblidar on girar quan anava a la feina.
know knew knownsaber
  1. He doesn't even know how to write his own name.
    No sap ni escriure el seu propi nom.
  2. I wouldn't know what to do if you ever left me.
    No sabria què fer si mai em deixessis.
Have you learned where to go in case of fire?
Heu après on s'ha d'anar en cas de foc?
plantenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
We still haven't planned where to spend our honeymoon.
Encara no hem pensat on passarem la lluna de mel.
I may wander, but I always remember who to come back to.
Pot ser que m'esgarriï, però sempre recordo a qui he de tornar.
Can anyone suggest where to start?
Algú pot suggerir on hauríem de començar?



adviseaconsellar, informar
They advised me who to see.
Em van aconsellar a qui hauria de veure.
askdemanar, convidar, preguntar
I asked her where to go.
Li he demanat on anar.
Please inform us who to get in touch with.
Si us plau digueu-nos amb qui hauríem de contactar.
tell told tolddir, informar
I don't like people telling me what to do.
No m'agrada que la gent em diguin què he de fer.



admitreconèixer, confessar
  1. They admitted (that) they'd broken the windowpane.
    Van admetre que havien trencat el vidre de la finestra.
  2. They won't admit what they know is true.
    No reconeixaran el que saben que és veritat.
  1. He authorized that the subject be searched.
    Va autoritzar que els sospitós fos escorcollat.
  2. You'd need to change the law to authorize what the President is now doing.
    Hauries de canviar la llei per a autoritzar el que fa el president ara.
begdemanar ardentment, suplicar
The nuns begged that someone send help at once.
Les monges demanaren ardentment que de seguida s'hi enviés ajut.
can't helpno poder evitar, no poder estar-se, no poder controlar
I can't help that I get bored easily.
No puc evitar que m'avorreixi fàcilment.
can't standno suportar
  1. I can't stand that he never even hugs me.
    No suporto que ni tan sols m'abraci.
  2. She couldn't stand what was going on.
    Ella no suportava el que estava passant.
  3. I can't stand that you just want to be friends.
    No suporto que només vulguis que siguem amics.
considerconsiderar, pensar
  1. Have you considered (that) he may be waiting for you to call him?
    Has considerat que és possible que esperi que li truquis?
  2. No punishment would be adequate considering what he did.
    Cap càstig no seria adequat considerant el que va fer.
  1. We decided (that) he'd be better off at a cheaper hotel.
    Vam decidir que estaria millor en un hotel més econòmic.
  2. Soon we'll have to decide what the next step should be.
    Aviat haurem de decidir quin hauria de ser el proper pas.
  1. He denied (that) the money was his.
    Va negar que els diners fossin seus.
  2. He denies what his wife already admits.
    Nega el que la seva dona ja reconeix.
  1. We discovered (that) the statue was a fake.
    Vam descobrir que l'estàtua era una falsificació.
  2. Discover what other people are really thinking!
    Descobreix el que els altres veritablement pensen!
dreadtenir por de, tenir pànic a, horroritzar-se
  1. I dread (that) the doorbell will ring.
    Tinc por/pànic que soni el timbre de la porta.
  2. I dread what I may be forced to do.
    M'horroritza el que podria ser obligat a fer.
  1. She explained that there were many factors to take into account.
    Va explicar que hi havia molts factors a tenir en compte.
  2. He explained what his company does.
    Explicava el que fa la seva empresa.
feel felt feltconsiderar, sentir
I feel (that) I should be doing more to help her.
Considero que hauria de fer més per a ajudar-la.
forbid forbade forbiddenprohibir
  1. Our duty forbids that we allow these injustices.
    El nostre deure prohibeix que permetem aquestes injustícies.
  2. I can't forbid what your father allows.
    No puc prohibir el que permet el teu pare.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
  1. I forgot that they were coming tomorrow.
    He oblidat que vénen demà.
  2. My husband always forgets what I tell him to do.
    El meu marit sempre oblida el que li dic que faci.
guaranteegarantir, assegurar
  1. The £50 deposit guarantees (that) people return the boats after their hour has finished.
    El depòsit de 50 lliures garanteix que la gent torni les barques després que s'acabi l'hora.
  2. The treaty doesn't guarantee what we consider to be basic rights.
    El tractat no garanteix el que considerem els drets bàsics.
hateno agradar (gens), odiar
  1. I hate that he won't talk about his feelings.
    No m'agrada gens que no parli dels seus sentiments.
  2. She hates what they have done to her country.
    Odia el que han fet al seu país.
hear heard heardsentir
  1. I hear (that) you're leaving.
    He sentit dir que marxaràs.
  2. Have you heard what's happened?
    Heu sentit què ha passat?
An official spokesman insists that the President hasn't acted illegally.
Un portaveu oficial insisteix que el President no hagi actuat il⋅legalment.
know knew knownsaber
  1. I know (that) he hasn't done anything wrong.
    Sé que no ha fet res dolent.
  2. He knew what it meant, but not what he was supposed to do about it.
    Sabia el que volia dir, però no què havia de fer per això.
  1. We've learned that what seems to be true often isn't.
    Hem après que el que sembla cert sovint no ho és.
  2. They've learned what we've taught them and little else.
    Han après el que els hem ensenyat i poca cosa més.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
  1. I like that he takes the game very, very seriously.
    M'agrada que prengui molt seriosament el joc.
  2. I don't like what they do.
    No m'agrada el que fan.
mean meant meant1 voler dir, significar 2 tenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se
  1. He means (that) the teachers are lazy and not doing their job.
    Ell vol dir que els mestres són ganduls i no fan la seva feina.
  2. The bad weather meant (that) we had to delay our trip.
    El mal temps significà que vam haver d'ajornar el viatge.
  3. I mean what I say and I say what I mean.
    Vull dir el que dic i dic el que vull dir.
  1. She didn't mind that we were there.
    No li importava que hi fóssim.
  2. I don't mind what anyone says, you're the one for me.
    No m'importa el que digui algú, ets la persona per a mi!
noticenotar, adonar-se, veure
  1. Since I've been here I've noticed that I've gotten much better.
    Des que estic aquí noto que he millorat molt.
  2. I hadn't noticed what the were doing.
    No m'havia adonat què feien.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
  1. I'd prefer (that) you didn't tell them what you've seen here.
    M'estimaria més que no els diguessis el que has vist aquí.
  2. Jonah preferred what he wanted rather than what God wanted.
    Jonàs va preferir el que ell volia en lloc del que volia Déu.
pretendfer veure
Pretend (that) you don't see them.
Fes veure que no els veus.
  1. I promise (that) I'll never tell your secrets.
    Prometo que mai no revelaré els teus secrets.
  2. Politicians promise what they can't deliver.
    La classe política promet el que no pot complir.
  1. He regretted that he hadn't been more patient.
    Es penedia de no haver tingut més paciència.
  2. I'll never regret what we've done this evening.
    No em penediré mai del que hem fet aquest vespre.
  1. I just remembered that today is the shortest day of the year.
    Acabo de recordar que avui és el dia més curt de l'any.
  2. Do you remember what we talked about?
    Recordes del que vam parlar?
see saw seenveure
  1. I can see that you've been shopping.
    Es veu que has anat de compres.
  2. Can you see what I see?
    Veus el que veig jo?
teach taught taughtensenyar (instruir), dir
  1. Socrates taught that speech-making is worthless as a means to imparting wisdom.
    Socrates deia que per a donar saviesa, els discursos no valen res.
  2. I teach what I've been taught.
    Ensenyo el que m'han ensenyat.
think thought thoughtpensar
  1. I thought (that) he'd done a very good job.
    Pensava que havia fet molt bona feina.
  2. He thinks what everybody else thinks.
    Pensa el que pensen tots els altres.



agreeacordar, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord
We all agree (that) the city is beautifully laid out.
Tots estem d'acord que la ciutat és meravellosament planificada.
allowpermetre, admetre
Justice Ginsberg allowed that it didn't really make much difference.
El jutge Ginsberg admetia que era si fa no fa igual.
claimasseverar, sostenir, pretendre
  1. He claimed (that) he was a king.
    Va asseverar que era un rei.
  2. The coal company claims (that) they aren't responsible for the pollution.
    L'empresa de carbó sosté que no són responsables de la contaminació.
expectesperar, suposar, exigir
  1. I expect (that) I'll have this done by tomorrow.
    Espero (El més probable és) que tingui això acabat per a demà (hi confio).
  2. I expected that he would show up at ten.
    Esperava que vingués a les deu.
  3. I expected that he would have left anyway.
    Suposo que, de tota manera, hauria marxat.
  1. I hope (that) we have enough money.
    Espero que tinguem prou diners.
  2. I hope (that) our team wins tomorrow.
    Espero que demà guanyi el nostre equip.
They prayed that their father recover from his illness.
Van pregar que el seu pare es recuperés de la malaltia.
She requested that he submit the proposal to the subcommittee.
Va demanar que presentés la proposta al subcomitè.
It seems that we're going to have to tell them about it.
Sembla que haurem d'explicar-los-hi.



enjoygaudir (de)
We must learn to enjoy what we have at hand.
Hem de saber gaudir del que tenim a l'abast.
They practiced what we'd shown them.
Van assajar el que els havíem ensenyat.
quit quit quitdeixar (parar)
He quit what he was doing and came with us.
Va deixar el que feia i va venir amb nosaltres.



admitreconèixer, confessar
He admitted where he was wrong.
Va reconèixer on s'havia equivocat.
agreeacordar, estar d'acord, posar-se d'acord
Few scholars agree where the term «positivistic theory» came from.
Pocs especialistes estan d'acord sobre on va originar el terme «teoria positivística».
can't helpno poder evitar, no poder estar-se, no poder controlar
  1. I can't help who I fall in love with. No one can.
    No puc controlar de qui m'enamoro. Ningú no ho pot fer.
  2. You can't help what people think of you.
    No es pot controlar què pensa la gent de tu.
considerconsiderar, pensar
We have to consider who should control these risks.
Hem de considerar qui hauria de controlar aquests riscos.
Let's continue where we left off yesterday.
Continuem on ahir vam acabar.
They couldn't decide who should receive the money.
No podien decidir qui hauria de rebre els diners.
You can't deny where you come from.
No pots negar d'on véns.
I've discovered why the children have been so quiet lately.
He descobert per què els nens estan tan quiets últimament.
The police refused to explain how they had uncovered the evidence.
La policia es va negar a explicar com havien descobert l'evidència.
forget forgot forgottenoblidar, descuidar-se de
  1. I've forgotten where I put them.
    He oblidat on els vaig posar.
  2. Don't forget who you're married to!
    No oblidis amb qui ets casat!
hear heard heardsentir
I still haven't heard who they've chosen.
Encara no he sentit dir qui han triat.
know knew knownsaber
  1. Do you know where they want to have dinner?
    Saps on volen sopar?
  2. I didn't know whose jacket it was.
    No sabia de qui era la jaqueta.
  1. I want to learn why some kidney transplants fail.
    Vull aprendre per què alguns transplantaments de runyó no tenen èxit.
  2. First you'll have to learn which tools to use.
    Primer hauràs d'aprendre quines eines es fan servir.
likeestimar una mica, agradar
Do you like who we've chosen for our leader?
T'agrada qui hem triat per cap nostre?
I don't mind who wins.
No m'importa qui guanyi.
noticenotar, adonar-se, veure
Did you notice where they went?
T'has adonat d'on han anat?
  1. I can't remember who they were.
    No recordo qui eren.
  2. Do you remember whose they are?
    Recordes a qui pertanyen?
see saw seenveure
When we saw who it was, we locked the doors.
Quan vam veure qui era, vam tancar les portes amb clau.
Ask students to suggest how they might improve the course.
Demana als alumnes que suggereixin com millorarien el curs.
watchmirar, vigilar
Watch what you're doing! Watch where you're going!
Vigila què fas! Vigila on vas!



adviseaconsellar, informar
The witness stated that the defendant advised him where he would be.
El testimoni declarà que l'acusat el va informar on seria.
askdemanar, convidar, preguntar
  1. We asked them when/what time the restaurant would open.
    Els vam preguntar quan / a quina hora obriria el restaurant.
  2. The cook asked her how she wanted her eggs.
    El cuiner li va demanar com volia els ous.
Would you please inform us when the next bus leaves?
Seria tan amable a informar-nos quan surt el proper autobús?
tell told tolddir, informar
Did they tell you when we were supposed to get there?
Et van dir quan havíem d'arribar-hi?



arrange acordar, convenir
We arranged that he (should) work there on Tuesdays.
Vam acordar que hi treballés els dimarts.
askdemanar, convidar, preguntar
We asked that everyone be prepared.
Vam demanar que tothom estigués preparat
I authorize that it be shown to the public.
L'autoritzo que sigui ensenyat al públic.
begdemanar ardentment, suplicar
The nuns begged that help be sent at once.
Les monges demanaren ardentment que de seguida s'hi enviés ajut.
forbid forbade forbiddenprohibir
The authorities have forbidden that he be released.
Les autoritats han prohibit que estigués posat en llibertat.
  1. I insisted that we be allowed to come in.
    Vaig insistir que poguéssim entrar-hi.
  2. They insist that he do what they want.
    Insisteixen que faci el que volen ells.
intendtenir la intenció, pensar, proposar-se, voler
  1. He intended that man and woman should join together as one.
    Tenia la intenció que l'home i la dona s'ajuntessin com una sola persona.
  2. They didn't intend that he be punished so severely.
    No es proposaven que ell fos castigat tan severament.
orderordenar (manar)
The commander ordered that the soldiers be ready to move out at dawn.
El comandant va ordenar que els soldats estiguessin a punt per marxar a l'alba.
preferestimar-se més, preferir
I prefer that he be with me.
M'estimo més que estigui amb mi.
We recommend that he stay in school until the end of the term.
Recomanem que es quedi al col⋅legi fins al final del trimestre.
They require that you first pass an oral exam.
Exigeixen que aprobis primer un examen oral.
  1. They suggested (that) we be ready by seven-thirty.
    Han suggerit que estiguéssim a punt no més tard que dos quarts de vuit.
  2. I suggest (that) you take an umbrella.
    Suggereixo que porteu un paraigua.
urgeinstar, recomanar molt
Authorities have urged that children be kept out of the area.
Les autoritats insten que no es deixi que els nens entrin a l'àrea.

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